Silent Key
Frank Irish KA7LEB Missoula, MT February 24, 2014
Silent Key
Bob Phillips W7LMA Moyie Springs, ID February 17, 2014
Silent Key
KJ7Z Phillip C. Barnett threw his final pitch on this earth Sunday March 25th 2012 at the age of 62. Phil was born February 1st 1950 the third of three sons of Melvin Barnett and Willie Estelle Malaney in Fort Worth, Texas. He moved to sunny beaches of southern California at the age of 2 where he learned to surf the waves and began his deep passion for the game of baseball. When Phil was playing little league baseball, he made the all star team 5 straight years, in the district tournament he pitched a no hitter , when he played baseball for Lakewood High School also pitched 2 no hitters and had many double strike out games and a 17 strike game, he was also hitting over 400. Pro scouts talking to him and visiting with his parents but he joined the army instead. There are a lot of people who can play of the few. He entered the army in June 1958 and while stationed in Fort Lewis Washington as a Hercules Missile Specialist met his first wife Chelly Bates the mother of his two children Natalie and Wade. After the death of his father in 1970, she brought Phil to theand Chelly divorced in 1994 and he found love again and married Wilma Kampka in May 2001. Phil retired from the US Forest and where he worked as a Sales Administrator, Law Enforcement Officer and was certified as an Advanced Log Scaler. He was an extra class ham operator and proudly carried the call sign KJ7Z, the �Big Nasty� He taught many classes on the art of Morris Code and spent many a weekend climbing his tower, administering a test, and helping fellow ham operators set up their ham station. His passion ran so deep he helped his daughter receive her license at the age of 8 and recently many a weekend Phil was the voice of the local swap meet. He loved to gab with anyone and had many a joke to share and tale to tell. �Bean the first three in head� was a favorite that Phil told new many different a capacities with the Bitterroot Bucs , The Red Sox, local T-ball league thru American Legion and softball teams as well played on several softball teams including one with his colleagues of the Bitterroot National Forest. He umpired for several years as well. He never missed a World Series and if there was a game he was watching. His passion for coaching continues thru both of his children�s interest in coaching local youth. Phil is survived by his wife Wilma, daughter Natalie Hinther and her husband Brian and their three sons Stone, Garrison and Marshall, his son Wade and his fianc� Vanessa, her children Logan and Jyllian and Wade�s children Autumn and Drake, his brother Lewis Barnett of Stevensville and Clayton Barnett of Huntington Beach, California and many nieces and nephews. Phil asked for no formal services.
Silent Key
Everyone waited for George to talk and would talk to him even if they didn't want to talk that day. . All of us looked forward to talking to him when we heard his voice on the air. He will be missed and thought of often. Donnie W7XY
In Memory of KA7VQV
-George Peterson
When we hear the call sign one last time
We�ll remember the man who was very fine
A role model, a mentor, a friend
Someone to look up to, until the end.
Now the radio is silent and covered with dust
We�ve lost a good man, someone who had our trust.
The contacts, the nets, the friends he made
No-one who knew him would ever trade
The world will now be a dimmer place
Without George�s bright smiling face.
One day we�ll meet, my friend
When our time on earth is at an end
You were a wonderful man who many aspire to be
And now my friend, you are a Silent Key.
You may be gone, but never forgotten
A brighter star, heaven has never gotten
So until we meet again
�73 my friend.
--Carla Stafford, KE7SFX
These pictures were taken in 2005 at the Butler Repeater site. Bill, K7MT is the one on the tower. The other two are Larry, N7YET and Steve, NO7V. They where sent to me by W7PUG Bob and W7AVG Bill sent them to him.
W7AVG (Bill Koler) at the Dillon repeater site atop 9200 ft. Maurer Mountain
20 miles SE of Dillon. Bill is seen in the picture repairing the 146.7600 MHz repeater
antenna ground and tightening the lead in cable. Bill works closely with Todd (AE7V)
and the DES here in Beaverhead County. Keeps all the amature radio operators here
in Dillon up to date on emergency services. He is also a mentor to new hams,
such as myself. 73 Bob (KB7FPZ)
Here is a picture of crew helping repair antenna's for K7PTO John
Nice motorcycle belongs to �Yogi Bear�, K7YB.
Left to right: WB7OTC, Bruce---K7YB, Bob---WV7Z, Mike---K7PTO, John. Not pictured: urs trooly.
Jerry, KB7QQ Thanks Jerry
We want to say Thank You to KD7HWV Jack for all the years of service running the Montana Traffic Net.
It is not an easy task keeping things running smoothly and taking the Flak and everybody wanting it perfect.
We will miss you. Now you can sit back and let somebody else count.
Todd on tower. AE7V
Below the article listed below is an article related to the story by N7VLC
Thanks Ron.
Hi Donnie -
Here is a bit of Missoula Ham history relating to the new check-in to the MTN tonight - K7CPJ - of Soda Springs, ID. In 1958 I started school at UM (Montana State University in those days) and stayed in Dunaway Hall mens dorm. About the second week of school I discovered what appeared to be a long wire antenna strung between one wing of Craig Hall and Dunaway Hall. Being curious, I traced the wire to a window in Craig - counted the windows from one end -then went to that hall and counted doors and knocked. Lo-and-behold there WAS a ham living there and his name was Darrel and his call was K7CPJ. We struck up a friendship that lasted for a long time, but we lost track until I heard him check into the Farm net some time back and called him by land line to re-connect..
In the dorm he had a Heathkit CW transmitter (either DX 35 or DX 65 - don't remember) He had recently up-graded his Novice to a General and was anxious to get on phone. I gathered up some junk and built him a one tube 6L6 Heising modulator (often referred to as "choke" modulation) and drove it with the high impedance audio output of an Allied Radio tape recorder that I had. Darrel didn't think it could possibly work, but we but hooked it into the B+ line to the final amp via a plug already built into the Heathkit backside for similar purposes. Other voltages were available there for the 6L6 tube, so hook-up was relatively simple. We called George, W7IOJ, on the phone and we got on the air on - guess where ??? (3910) and carried on a good QSO with a good audio report from George. Darrel continued to use that get-up for a couple years while he was at school, making contacts all over the country.
I haven't talked to him since I got my general, so am looking forward to connecting sometime when conditions are compatable. I've listened to the Farm net lots of times, but never found good conditions between Soda Springs and Plains.
In case you aren't familiar with Soda Springs - it is located in the very southeast corner of Idaho east of the place where that ham radio outlet is located (don't remember the name of the town or the store - it's hell to be getting old Hi!)
Take Care 73, Ron W. N7VLC
Thanks Jerry and
Mike for this one.
Letter in the Missoulian written by N7TAE (Now a Silent Key)
Letters for Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Internet idea would jam short wave
The communication industry would like to use the electric power network of
distribution wires to carry, along with power for your toaster and vacuum,
very high frequency signals that could be picked up and used by your personal
computer. This would replace your use of telephone lines to reach the
Internet. All these power line wires already function as radio transmitting
antennas, but the 60-cycle per second radio energy does not interfere with
broadcast or short wave radio.
BPL (Broadcast by Power Line) use would insert huge numbers of signals at all
of the so-called "short wave" frequencies onto the lines, superimposed on the
60-cycle power current. The result would be a jumble of transmissions all
across the short-wave band. To a receiver listening at any one frequency the
result is a steady hissing noise strong enough to override any ordinary
message being sent at that frequency.
Proponents of the system say it will occupy all frequencies from 1800
kilohertz to about 80,000 kilohertz. KGVO uses a frequency of 1290 kilohertz.
Within the part of the spectrum are found stations from around the world
(England, Berlin, Moscow, etc.), and many radio systems used by police, fire,
marine and other services. Amateur radio operators use this band heavily to
provide emergency service when disasters interrupt commercial communication
class="detailstory" A good analogy: Imagine a back-fence conversation
with an air raid siren running steadily on a 50-foot pole at each end of every
At least six important nations (e.g. Holland, Japan) have rejected this
system. We should also. Our FCC has not taken a stance.
Wayne P. Van Meter, ( Wayne is now a Silent Key but
while he was on this earth he worked very hard in the Hobby to make it
better. )
2224 1/2 Rattlesnake Drive, Missoula
Wayne Van Meter Bob Leo